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Monday 8 April 2024

WA Police Union has launched the 2024 Industrial Agreement campaign, "We Cop Enough," aimed at advocating for improved working conditions for our Police Officers across the Western Australia.

Being a Police Officer is not a regular public service job. Every day, officers face a relentless barrage of challenges, from confronting criminals to navigating emotional strains within their own families. They endure long hours, shift work, and significant personal sacrifices to serve and protect our community.

The question we pose to the public is simple: "How much would you cop before you've had enough?"

It's time to shed light on the realities of policing and demand better for those who selflessly dedicate themselves to keeping us safe. Despite serving in the world's largest single police jurisdiction, our officers are stretched thin, facing understaffing, poor rostering practices, inadequate pay, and housing shortages in rural areas.

The recent government review approving a mere 3 percent wage increase across the public service fails to recognise the unique demands and sacrifices inherent in police work. Policing is not just a job; it's a calling that requires unwavering dedication and support.

Through the "We Cop Enough" campaign, we aim to educate the public about the true nature of police work and advocate for meaningful change in working conditions. We are currently engaged in good faith negotiations with the State Government and the WA Police Force to secure a deal that prioritises the well-being and safety of our officers.

WA Police Union stands firm in our commitment to ensuring that our officers have the resources, support, and respect they deserve as they continue to serve our community with unwavering dedication.

Visit our new “We Cop Enough” website for more information.

Reney Nairn – M: 0484 135 951 or E: reney.omar@wapu.org.au