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Date: Thursday 21 October 2021

The WA Police Union are celebrating one of the most significant days in their 109 years of fighting for the rights of Western Australia’s cops after the McGowan Government introduced its police compensation scheme bill into parliament.

Such a scheme has been a stated objective of WAPU, which represent 98% of the state’s police officers, police auxiliary officers and police cadets, since the 1980s.

“It’s a landmark moment for the health and safety of WA’s police officers and their families. The scheme, coupled with the McGowan Government’s changes to the medical retirement process, will give financial and educational support to police officers who are injured in the line of duty and consequently are unable to continue serving our community,” said Mick Kelly, Acting President of WAPU.

“For decades, WA governments of all stripes were accessories to the crime of medically retired police officers being thrown on the scrap heap and left to fend for themselves. Now, thanks to the McGowan Government, which voiced its support for such a scheme before it secured office, medically retired police officers will be able to not only end their service with dignity and an exit payment of up to $239,179 ($418,563 in extenuating circumstances) but also receive $16,743 towards vocational retraining.

“We commend the McGowan Government for recognising the plight of our members, acting with compassion and righting the wrongs of years of neglect.”