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Date: Thursday February 18, 2021

The WA Police Union has launched its 2021 Pre-Election Submission – 10 Priorities for Police – which clearly outlines the issues facing police.

WAPU Acting President Mick Kelly said while the major parties had already committed to additional police numbers, there were other items which needed to be implemented to assist policing.

“It is vitally important that all sides of politics also commit to other measures to support the police officers and police auxiliary officers of this State. The numbers are the big ticket item but sometimes the smaller, simpler initiatives can make the world of difference to our Members on the frontline,” Mr Kelly said.

“Ultimately, we need a fair and equitable State Wages Policy and a freeze to GROH rents to ensure we look after our police officers financially and attract officers to regional areas.

“We also believe 24/7 medical coverage in all major police lock-ups will increase safety for police and detainees and this will also have massive health benefits for detainees, many of whom do not receive regular medical care.” 

Mr Kelly said the big priority for the Union was the passing of the McGowan Government’s Police Compensation Scheme proposal.

“This scheme has been a long time coming. In our discussions with the Opposition, Nationals and Green, they are all very supportive so, what we need all political parties to commit to is making this scheme the priority legislation during the first 100 days of the new Parliament,” Mr Kelly said.

“The pandemic has clearly shown how valuable, hardworking and caring our police are. They all have a tremendous sense of community and it is imperative they are supported by Parliament.”

10 Priorities for Police

  1. A State Wages Policy which is fair, equitable and allows for meaningful, open negotiations.  
  2. A commitment to pass the McGowan Government’s proposed Police Compensation Scheme in the first 100 days of Parliament.
  3. All Government Regional Officer Housing (GROH) rents frozen for the term of government.
  4. Introduction of a mandatory life sentence for offenders found guilty of murdering a police officer or police auxiliary officer.
  5. Changes to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 2003 so seriously injured police officers are not effectively excluded from being able to apply for criminal compensation.
  6. The allocation of 24/7 medical coverage in all major police lock-ups to ensure the health and safety of police officers, police auxiliary officers and detainees.
  7. A strategic replacement and refurbishing plan to address aging and antiquated police stations.
  8. A complete review of the Police Act 1892 and Police Force Regulations in consultation with WAPU.
  9. A Police Veterans Covenant to recognise the commitment and sacrifice of police officers, police auxiliary officers, Aboriginal police liaison officers and police cadets to the community of WA.
  10. Legislative changes to the Criminal Procedure Act 2004 so police officers can use new technology to take witness statements and serve disclosure saving valuable frontline policing hours.